Omar Hamdi or (Malva) 1951-2015 Kurdish artist was born in the city of Hasaka in Rojava west of Kurdistan

Born in 1952 in Hasaka in Rojava west of Kurdistan
Worked as a graphic artist for the Syrian Press, where he also wrote articles on Artistic Criticism.
Settled in Vienna since 1978 and now holds the Austrian Nationality.
Member of the General Federation of Austrian Artists and the UNESCO.
Member of the Künstlerhaus, Vienna.
His works are acquired by art collectors and dealers, art galleries and exhibitions, museums, banks and Ministries of Culture, in addition to a large number of private property acquisitions in America, Canada, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Japan, Russia and Emirates.
Malva Omar Hamdi lives and works in Vienna.

1976-1977 People’s Art Hall at Damascus! National Museum of Aleppo
1987 Palffy Palace, Vienna
1989 Austrian Central Bank, Vienna; Art Gallery, Chicago; Lyzon Art Gallery, Tennessee, Nashville; Gallery Kral, San Francisco; Gallery Arnot, New York; Gallery Ambassador, New York.

1990 Gallery L’Atelier, Vienna; Gallery Celeste, Vienna; Stadtmuseum-Rostockvilla, Klosterneuburg.

1991 Gallery Frankenstein, Berlin
1992 Wally Findlay Galleries, New York, Paris
1993 Gallery Art Forum - International Contemporary Art, Vienna ; AI-Sayed Art Gallery, Atassy Gallery, Damascus.
1994 – 1998 Wally Findlay Galleries, New York, Chicago, Palm Beach, Florida.
2000 Green Art Gallery, Dubai
2000 Wally Findlay Galleries, Palm Beach.
2002 Rochan Gallery, Jeddah; Hewar Gallery, Riad
2003-2007 Art Expo, New York
2008 Art House, Gallery Kamel, Damascus


1980 – 1992 Exhibitions of the General Federation of Austrian Artists, in Austria and abroad.
1985 World Exhibition of the United Nations Office, Vienna.
1989 Art Festival Messepalast, Vienna; Art House, Göppingen, Germany.
1985 – 1993 The Annual World Art Fair, Frankfurt, Germany.
1989 International Fair of Contemporary Art/ Madrid Arco 89, Spain.
1990 International Fair of Contemporary Art/ Milano EXPO 90, Italy.
1991 Art Jonction International, Nice, France.
1992 Bolognafiere/ Contemporary Art Festival, Bologna, Italy; Auro Art, Verona; Künstlerhaus, Graz; EXPO Sevilla, Spain; Friendship and Peace Festival, Latakia , Syria
1993 International Fair of Contemporary Art! Budapest Art Expo 93
1996 Gallery Breitenbach, Una, Germany.
1994 -1997 Second International Festival of Shajah/Art Biennale
1999 Informelle Tendenzen im Künstlerhaus, Vienna.
2001 Museum of Modern Art, Biennale Cairo
2001 Artuell, BeiruU Atassy Gallery Damas 2002
2002 History Museum Vienna - Rathaus; New York Art Fair
2003 National Museum Cracow, Poland
2003 Museum of Modern Art, Tehran
2004 Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts, Montreal
2007 Museum of American University - Art Center, Washington
2008 Art House/ Damascus - Kunstler Haus/ Vienna.
2009 53, Biennale de Venezia

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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