Artwork Ceramic by Shilan Ibrahim~ Erbil south of Kurdistan

شیلان ئیبراهیم ره‌سول  ساڵی ١٩٧٥ شاری هه‌ولێردایك بووه‌  ده‌رچوی به‌شی شێوه‌كاری لقی (سیرامیك) ه‌ له‌ په‌یمانگه‌ی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی شاری هه‌ولێر ساڵانی ١٩٩٦-١٩٩٧ به‌هۆی ئه‌وه‌ی پله‌ی یه‌كه‌می به‌ ده‌ست هێناوه‌ له‌ به‌شی شێوه‌كاری لقی (سیرامیك) ناوبراو ده‌بێته‌وه‌ مامۆستا له‌ به‌شی شێوه‌كاری  په‌یمانگه‌ی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی شاری هه‌ولێر . ناوبراو به‌شداری زۆرێك له‌ پێشانگه‌ هاوبه‌شه‌كانوو سه‌رجه‌م فیسیڤاڵه‌كانی په‌یمانگه‌ ی كردوه‌  هه‌روه‌ها به‌شدار ده‌بێت له‌ دیوار به‌ندی (مه‌م و زین) له‌ گه‌ڵ هونه‌ر مه‌ندی كۆچ كردوو سه‌ربه‌ست عومه‌ر 
له‌م دوایانه‌شدا جگه‌ له‌ به‌شداریه‌كانی له‌ پێشانگه‌و چالاكیه‌ هونه‌ریه‌كان به‌شێوه‌ی سلاید چالاكیه‌كانیان له‌ ئه‌مریكا نمایشكراوه‌ له‌ گه‌ڵ هونه‌ر مه‌ندی كۆچ كردوو سه‌ربه‌ست عومه‌ر  بۆدرێژه‌ دان به‌ خوێندن بروانامه‌ی  به‌ كالوریوس به‌ ده‌ستدێنێت له‌ به‌شی هونه‌ری گشتی له‌ شاری موساڵ ساڵی ٢٠٠٧ دواتر  ده‌بێته‌ سه‌رۆك به‌شی شێوه‌كاری له‌ په‌یمانگه‌ی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی شاری هه‌ولێر
Shilan Ibrahim Rasooul Born in Erbil south of Kurdistan 1975 . Graduate of the Fine Arts Institute  the Ceramic  Department Erbil 1997-1996
in 1998 - Art teacher at the  Fine arts Institute  where she had been student  the Prior year
 Had partnership in a number of shows and cultural festival events in both kurdistan and iran 
cooperatively organized a slide art display with her husband in amer-ica

Chato Hassan1945 Kurdish artist~ Erbil south of Kurdistan

The Kurdish artist Chato Hassan was born in 1940 in a district of Erbil. He’s studied at the Institute of Teachers and is a member of Syndicate of Artists in Kurdistan. From 1983 to 2010 he opened four exhibitions. Chato is one of the leading artists of Kurdistan. He’s spent most of his life in Erbil, a life which is full of art experience and activities in an academic manner based on principles of universal art of painting. 
As an educated teacher, he’s taught his students for serving art and science in Kurdistan. His art is originated from nature of Kurdistan and Kurdish culture and the form of life that Kurds leading in villages and cities. The daily life of the bazaars, Tayrawa’s neighborhoods, the minaret and the traditional markets that had traditional style were among topics of his art. On the other hand, mountains of Kurdistan have been also part of the paintings he’s designed in Chinese ink, such as Safin Mountain which is the symbol of Erbil Province. Works in water color are also other examples of his artistic product.  
Chato Hassan is a well-known artist in Erbil, he’s been working with art since 1960s. Many of the artists nowadays were his students. The means used in some of his paintings is oil color by which he’s painted the beautiful nature of Kurdistan. 
Apart from educating students, the artist himself has always been an active teacher in the field of Kurdish painting through opening exhibitions and participating in festivals, seminars and national occasions and international days from 1985 to 2007 in the cities of Koya, Sulaimani, Baghdad and Erbil. 
He also has a good connection with the world of photography. Chato Hassan regards photography as part of his life, the reason why he’s devoted years of his life to photography. In spite of his age, he wants to achieve things that painting is not always able to achieve for him. 
By Ashti Garmiyani