Tara Mohammed Kurdish artist ~ Sulaymaniyah south of Kurdistan ,She lives and works now in Norway

I am a kurd from Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan, but i currently live in Norway.
In the year of 1988 i studied at the Sulaymaniyah Art institute .Drawing the year 2000 i studied at the University College,woodcarving in Telemark for year.
 Ever since i was nine years of age, i had an ardent he intereset for drawing with pencils. As my father was a teacher he supported me gretly, despite not being an artist himselv. However,my cousin was knowledgeable andtaughtme abuot contrasts and shadowing, which i will never forget and am forever grateful for.With that , i was able to enter theArt institute and learn bout Art on academic level.
Iearn about anatomic pespectives and went deepr into Art ofmation .Idraw stillive, portraits picyures of nature, and i utlize different methods such as oilencils,and watercolor.I alsochoir in  harbor an interese for music and took part in the Art institute during the year of 1984.I enjoy reading novels and taking walks in the nature. 

Opening of the personal exhibition by Tara M. Amin ~ Sulaymaniyah south of Kurdistan 28.5.2020

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kurdistan art