Naz Hakim Kurdish artist~ Sulaymaniyah south of Kurdistan

Naz Hakim, The Memory of Coal, Mixed media, 180 x 180 cm, 2013.London.

Naz Hakim Kurdish artist

Born in 1984 in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, where she currently lives and works.
She earned her MA from the Middlesex University London. She is a lecturer
at the College of Fine Arts, University of Sulaymaniyah. She regularly
exhibits in solo and group exhibitions in Iraq as well as abroad. Naz works
with a variety of media, including installation, video, painting and drawing.
Political issues and trauma are the central themes in her works, where she
often uses “controversial” materials, for instance black oil, linen, coal, iron
and metal, which refer to specific events that she has experienced as a
Kurdish artist. Her work reproduces controversial visual signs, arranging
materials into a new conceptual form. She is also interested in working with
materials processing. She carries out chemical operations in order to change
the material and bring it back to the raw status where it came from or
preserve it in the way she wants, as a presence of her subjectivity.

Selected exhibitions
2018 “Pre- Identity” Museum of Contemporary Art- Sulaimani, Kurdistan
2017 “Imago Mundi Highlights” Art Theroma
2016 “Imago Mundi” Kurdistan - In - Between Worlds
2017 Kurdish Artists exhibition, Zamwa Gallery, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.
2017 "Argue - Object" & Place, A collapsed House, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
2016 7 Artists, Media Gallery, Erbil, Iraq.
2013 MA Fine Art show, Middlsex University, London.
2013 MA Mid show, Mile End Art Pavilion, London
Naz Hakim, Drops of water from a tank onto an iron surface, 380 cm x 500 cm x 200 cm
Dynamic Installation, 2018. The Museum of Contemporary Art- Sulaymaniyah

Naz Hakim, My Rusty Box, 2017

Naz Hakim, Memory of Coal, 2016

Naz Hakim, 180 Rusty Blocks in a cube dimension. 2017. (9 x 5 x 4) 180cm x 200cm x 160cm, Metal wire, Metal mesh, Styrofoam. Zamwa Gallery

"Argue - Object" & Place, A collapsed House.

Naz Hakim, Rust Process, 2x (180 cm x180cm x 10cm).
"Argue - Object" & Place, A collapsed House, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Naz Hakim, untitled 9, 2017.
"Argue - Object" & Place, A collapsed House, , Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

Naz Hakim, Rusty Iron, Mixed media on Iron plate, 101cm X 101cm X 10cm.2016

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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kurdistan art