Araz Hama Kurdish artist~ Sulaymaniyah south of Kurdistan ;He lives and works now in the The Netherlands

ARAZ HAMA Kurdish artist born in Sulaimaniya Kurdistan of Iraq. He lives and works now in the The Netherlands. Nowadays he works as art teacher . 1998-2001 Studies at the Academy of fine Arts (HKU) in Utrecht The Netherlands. 1997-1998 Studies at the Academy of fine Arts (AKI) in Enschede The Netherlands. 1984-1989 Studies at the Academy of fine Arts in Suleimania Kurdistan . 2009-2011 Studies at the webdesign Academy Eduvision Utrecht The Netherlands. 2003-2005 Studies at the Design Academy , art design college in Utrecht The Netherlands.

Love for your surroundings is love for beauty. If you feel that beauty well then feel you also harmony of all. From this harmony, I work and I create a search for the soul. The fantasy is then activated and this is right food for the soul so that the problems between all cultures and nationalities disappear and only the beauty feeling remains.


By religion, politics and economics is quite a lot of freedom which creates love, lost. By this decline of harmony in everyday life, loss of vision, they are more focused on the outer set and selfish. This social circumstance has a direct impact on my life and work. By me a clear picture of the discrepancies of the modern form egocentric society is it this possible for me to send a message.

My paintings are a love letter to these impoverished and disrupted to contemporary society, because love is the only universal language that everyone this way without words, can understand visually.

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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kurdistan art