Zamwa Gallery ~ Sulaymaniyah south of Kurdistan گه‌له‌ری زامۆ

Zamwa Gallery  گه‌له‌ری زامۆ

 This Gallery has been opened 12 yearly course , more than 25 solo exhibition, and many joint exhibition in highly standard for Kurdish Artists , it was home of the Author and politician (Ibrahim Ahmed ), however many masterpiece of Artists are selling yearly in that gallery , the establishment of this Gallery belongs to artists( Sarwat Sawz, Khalid Rasool. Zaher Sdeeq, Rzgar Saeed). Zamwa Gallery has arranging  11 Yearly course ,  many of solo and joint exhibition for Artists of    Kurdistan, Other part of Kurdistan, and Country of Iraq , till now works in that gallery in progress. Build of this gallery ownership to the great Author (Ibrahim ahmed) and changed it to this Gallery by his daughter Lady Hero Ibrahim Ahmed.

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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