Simko Ahmed Kurdish artist" Nationality: Japanese Citizen from Kurdish origin

 Nationality: Japanese Citizen from Kurdish origin 
Career: Master Degree in Project Managements Tokyo Uni.
B. S in Civil Engineering Sallahadin Uni.
Diploma of Japanese calligraphy Arts at MIFA Institute in Tokyo 
Member of art groups: 
Board member of: JAALA Art association in Tokyo (Japan afro Asia Latin America art group) in charge of Kurdish and Latin American arts for Tokyo JAALA biennale at Tokyo Metropolitan museum
Founder and chairman of Baran Art Association 

Work profile: working as NGO member since his graduation from the college; he had been working as a Civil Engineer/ site planner to support the refugees at emergency conditions such as Kurdistan, Albania, Kosovo, West Africa, Sierra Leone, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mainly he designs and implements the Engineering projects like infrastructures, building shelters, water and drain system for the refugees, constructing schools, clinic, road and bridges and other infrastructures …etc

*1996-2009, Japanese NGO “Peace Winds Japan” at Tokyo head quarter  



Solo and group exhibitions
Year 2012
Jaala (Japan Africa, Asia and Latin America art association) Beinalle at Tokyo Metroplitian museum
Art we Love, international art show in USA , New Yourk
Year 2011
Runaki art festival in London 
Year 2010
17th JAALA International art show at Kawaski Museum in Japan
Art show with Ismail Khayat, Rebwar Saeed at Rukani Art Festival in London
Year 2009
Solo art Show at American village Gallery in Tokyo
Year 2008
Jaala Biennale (Japan, Asia, Africa and Latin America) art association at Tokyo Metropolitan museum 
Year 2006
Jaala Biennale at Tokyo Metropolitan museum 
Year 2005
Solo art show at Genkan Gallery at PWJ in Tokyo 
Year 2004
Jaala biennale at Tokyo Metropolitan museum 
Year 2002
* International art show at Seoul, South Korea “21 century and Asia” at Kangfamoon gallery 
* Group art show “ Echoes of our land” with two other Kurdish artists Sarchel Shawky and Hiwa Doman, Canada, Toronto (steeles&Hwy400), this show was arranged by artist Dara Aram. 
*International art show of (ARUEM) that means “beautiful” In Kyoto city museum with 150 artists mostly from Asian countries audiences of the show were 13000people. 
*International art show of JAALA2002 (Japan, Afro Asia, Latin America artists association) exchange art show at Tokyo’s most famous museum of Tokyo Metropolitan 
*Slide show on the destroyed wall in Kabul/ Afghanistan 
*6th Solo art show at Tokyo Nishi Shinjuku Sompo museum, the museum where “sun flower” or Vincent van Gogh is displayed. 
*6 solo art show (WakuWaku show) in Matsuyama city in Japan. 
Year 2001 
• 5th solo art show at refugees camp in Sierra Leone, west Africa at Bandajuma refugees camp in Bo area the title of the show was (colorful dreams of dark kids)
• Group art show at Tokyo NGO festival 
• (Piece for Peace) International art show at Marki Museum in Saitama/ Japan

• Year 2000 

• Participating in International exhibition of Kuwanju Beinnale in South Korea, the audiences of this show were estimated to be around 1.5 million audiences. 
JAALA2000 (Japan Africa, Asia, and Latin America artists group) at Tokyo Metropolitan museum.
International exhibition in Canada magnolia manor gallery / Chilliwack

• Year 1999 

• • JAALA+Korea (Japan, Afro Asia Latin America association) In Seoul / South Korea Metropolitan museum. 

• Year 1998 

• Participated in the group exhibition with (10 colors group) with other 9 Japanese artists in Nagoya City at Japan Myokoen Gallery. 
Slide exhibition in Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe, Hamamtsu, Nagoya, Osaka, and some other cities in Japan. Participated in 15 Kurdish artists exhibition at the Stripe house museum in Tokyo

• Year 1997 

• He holed his 4th personal exhibition at Dowa Kasai gallery in Tokyo. 
He has on-line exhibition on 
Washington Kurdish Institute home page and Kurdish Media in UK 
Main on-line art show is (Sad Land) on: 

• Year 1996 

• Participated in JAALA (Japan. Asia, Africa, Latin America association) exhibition in Metropolitan museum in Tokyo. 
He opened his exhibition with 3 caricature artists on the Sulaimaniyah free wall two times; the audiences of this exhibition were over 40,000 people 

• Year 1995 

• With two artists (Omar Darwesh and Ari Baban) he opened his exhibition by cooperation with AVN (Asian Volunteers network). In rabarin hall in Sulaimania. 
He participated in-group exhibition in May festival in Sul
He opened 3rd solo exhibition in Fine art hall in Duhok by Cooperation with FHRA (Foundation for Human rights in Asia, Japan).
He opened caricatures exhibition in Swrkew Gallery in Sulaimaniyah. .

• Year 1994 

• He opened 2nd personal exhibition in Swrkew Gallery in Sulaimaniyah. 
Group show in Holland. 
He participated in 1st May festival (Art and caricature exhibition) in Swrkew gallery in Sulaimaniyah.

• Year 1993 

• He opened his 1st personal exhibition in Sulaimaniyah Republic hall. 

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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