The Kurdish Painter Trifa Anwar Artist ~ Sulaymaniyah south of Kurdistan ,She lives and works now in Gothenburg, Sweden

Trifa Anwar
I was born in 1970. In 1994, I finished my studies at The Academy of Arts in Babel, Iraq. I now live in Gothenburg, Sweden. My artwork has appeared in numerous exhibitions.
Drops are like people. We look different. We are transparent. We are without colour, without smell yet we represent and embody the notion of life and nature What happens if the water drops freeze? The background is no longer visible. This is the subject I work with. In my images, there is light under the water, sunlight reaches the water. The light has different colours. All people have energy; this is personified through the different colours, patterns and movements of life.
Group exhibitions:
1991 - Kurds in Italy
1993 - International Women's Day, Tunisia
1994 - Arts Centre Baghdad, Iraq
1994 - Posters for Freedom, Germany
1994 - International Women's Day, London
1994 - Media Erbil, Iraq
1995 - Tottenham Green, London
1996 - Crypt Gallery, London
2006 - Col Gallery, Sweden
2006 - Iraqi Art Group, Sweden
2008 - The Al-Thani Awards, Austria
2009 - Super Circuit, Austria
2009 - The Al-thani Award, Austria
2010-Super Circuit, Austria
2010-Reart ,Gallery Red Hill
2010-JAALA art Show in Japan
Individual exhibitions:
1991 - Academy of Arts, Iraq
1992 - Academy of Arts, Iraq
1994 - Museum of Suleimania, Kurdistan
1995 - Gallery Salar Maged, Kurdistan
1998 - Gothenburg, Sweden
2003 - Gothenburg, Sweden
2007 - Museum of Suleimania, Kurdistan
2008 - Gothenburg, Sweden
2009 - Blanes, Spain
2009 - Museum of Suleimania
2010 - Gallery Red Hill, Gothenburg

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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kurdistan art