Historical : The Citadel of Arbil

Erbil (also written Arbil or Irbil), in Arabic: اربيل‎ - is called Hawler in Kurdish: هه‌ولێر
The Erbil Citadel is considered among the most ancient citadels known as the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. It is built in the center of Erbil City on a 25 meters high hill. The Citadel covers 110,000 square meters. Its construction goes back to (6,000 ) B.C. The number of dwellings inside the Citadel amounts to 506. It is divided into three quarters: Al Saray, Topkhana and Takyah .The houses of affluent residents are characterized by the sturdiness of construction and their strong foundations which helped in the resistance to the vicissitudes of times. Many houses in the citadel offer inscriptions, colors and beautiful decorations.

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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