Historical :The Citadel Bath | Erbil

Historical :The Citadel Bath | Erbil گه‌رماوی قه‌ڵای هه‌ولێر
The Bath is more than 200 year old and dates back to the 18th century. It is formed by two main sections: one for use in summer and the other for winter. It contains two bathing halls topped by two large domes. The bath area is approximately 782 m2. At the north side of the bath is a special well with a 5m diameter and a depth of 45m. Its bottom reaches the Citadel base. At the end of 1979 the bath was renovated and rehabilitated.
Historical :The Citadel Bath | Erbil گه‌رماوی قه‌ڵای هه‌ولێر

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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