Artwork painting by Ashna Abdullah ~Halabja south of Kurdistan

She was born in Halabja She graduated in fine art institute 1995 with a high degree. 
 She was teacher in Kurdish Safe Organization from 1006 to 1997
 She has been employed in ministry of culture in suly 1988
 She was manager of Sulaymanya Museum for 2000 to 2004
 Instate of publishing many art subject, she also managed many joint exhibition 
 She has been horned many times in continuously   in years 2000 and 2001
 she has been lived in Germania at the end of 2004 and followed up her work art
 She has been participated many of joint Woman’s exhibitions every year from 1993 till 2010 in inside and outside Iraq. she participated in joint exhibition of  (sunflower )group in Canada  from timothy’s world news  gallerys”  2005 , and also participated in many joint art exhibition in general.

 she also participated in many  Graphic Joint exhibition  and art’s festivals in years ,1997 , 2000, 2001, 2002  ,and 2004

Source:Site Kurdistan ART

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kurdistan art